Monday, September 8, 2008

more progress

rite now iam still just setting the type, i fooled around with kerning and leading, but the job still is not done...needs to be tweeked alot i still need add more copy, but iam just having a hard time using 12 different typefaces for this project.......let me kno what you guys think, be honest and if u can give some pointers as to finding a less painful way of fixing kerning (so i dont have any rivers and ponds in my copy) in Indesign. Im not great with Indesign and it tends to become a lil fustrating when dealing with large amounts of copy.....

so hit me up wit some comments



gorilla projects said...

im really liking the way the paragraphs are lined up here... very clean

K Banker said...

I got to hand it to you. This definitely looks like you put some serious hours into it. Nice!